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    Yamanashi Prefecture plans to collect pass fee from climbing visitors 結果共1筆

  • Mount Fuji to charge climbers NT$426 pass fee

    Starting this summer, Japan’s Yamanashi Prefecture plans to collect a pass fee of approximately NT$426 from climbers visiting Mount Fuji to address the issue of overcrowding. The number of climbers will also be limited, with the daily figure capped at 4,000 individuals. If this limit is exceeded, the toll gate at the Yoshida Trail fifth station will be closed. Climbing will also be prohibited between 4 p.m. and 3 a.m. The funds generated by the toll will be used to construct refuge facilities in case of a volcanic eruption, as the Yoshida Trail had around 140,000 visitors in 2023. As the trail falls under the county road category, about 600 meters of the road near the fifth station is not subject to highway regulations, hence the imposition of climber fees as usage charges.
    2024/02/01 12:23
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